Facilities in Minnesota that have emission sources volatile organic compounds (VOC), hazardous air pollutants (HAP) and particulate matter (PM) and have relatively low actual emissions each year are often permitted under the MPCA “option D” registration permit. Depending on the actual emissions, facility that are covered under this permit must keep either monthly records of actual emissions or can maintain records to be able to summarize emissions for the calendar year at the end of each year.

Regardless of whether monthly subtotals are calculated or if only an annual total is calculated, actual emissions are reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) by April 1 each year, providing an Annual Emission Inventory (AEI) for the previous calendar year. The AEI includes calculations of emissions for:

  • VOC,
  • HAP
  • PM amd PM10
  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) in carbon dioxide equivalents (including CO2e of hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and sulfur hexafluoride)

In order to remain eligible for coverage under the Option D permit, facility emissions must be below:

HAP – 5 tons/year for a single HAP, 12.5 tons/year total for all HAPs
PM – 50 tons/year
PM – 10 50 tons/year for an Attainment Area, 25 tons/year for a Nonattainment Area
VOC – 50 tons/year
SO2  – 50 tons/year
NOx  – 50 tons/year
CO  – 50 tons/year
Pb –  0.5 tons/year
CO2e  – 50,000 tons/year


Caltha LLP provides technical support and training for facilities in Minnesota that are covered under the MPCA Option D permit. This includes initial permitting of facilities, development of an Option D Compliance Plan, routine compliance assessments or audits, and technical support in tracking emissions and preparing and submitting the AEI.

To request further information, click here MPCA Option D Permitting and Compliance Support

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