EPA has approved revisions to the Wisconsin State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) in 2008. WDNR submitted revisions exempting certain sources of air pollution from construction permit requirements. The final rule will be effective on September 3, 2013.

As background, on May 15, 2013 EPA proposed to approve a SIP revision from Wisconsin exempting certain sources of air pollution from the requirement to obtain a construction permit. Sources with actual emissions of under 10 tons per year (tpy) of:

  • each criteria pollutant,
  • particulate matter of 10 micrometers or less,
  • sulfur dioxide,
  • nitrogen oxides,
  • carbon monoxide and
  • volatile organic compounds,
  • and less than 0.5 tpy of lead,

The exemption applies only to sources that are not subject to Federal air pollution requirements for hazardous air pollutants

The revisions will also exempt construction or modification projects that emit:

  •  less than 1,666 pounds of criteria pollutants per month, averaged over a 12 consecutive month period, and
  •  less than 10 pounds of lead per month, averaged over a 12 consecutive month period from construction permitting requirements.
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